Business Website Portfolio

Mel was the winner of a free website voucher which we offered to May Fifteen in Carlisle for their Masquerade Ball in 2014. Mel already had 4 websites which she managed through a free website provider, however there was a lot of repeated content and none of them were responsive, using Flash for all pages leaving them poorly search engine optimised and not viewable on most mobiles and tablets.

With discussion involving Mel and also the company who provide advice on her social media presence, we put together a demo pulling all content into one place and involving an integrated blog so Mel can easily keep the site up to date

With a lot of input from Mel, the demo transformed into the final website, with the final step being migration of the existing 4 domain names to our hosting and ensuring all domains were re-directed to the base domain of  It is important to do this correctly for search engines to avoid confusion over which is the right website and prevent a domain being negatively affected by seemingly repeated content.

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About Us

Light Bulb Web Design in Carlisle provides high-quality, bespoke web design, SEO, digital marketing, copywriting, and consultation in the UK to ensure your online presence is a seamless extension of your business, with honest and transparent customer service.

T: 07880 858381