Logo and brand design
that's anything but stock images

Don't be fooled by designers
who use stock images for your logo and branding

Like your business, your logo and branding must be unique in order to truly reflect your ethos and values and stay in the minds of your ideal client.

It may surprise you to know that some graphic designers head off to a stock image website, grab a dozen logos that fit your business type in search, and swap a few colours and words around and let you pick your favourite.

If you get given a sheet like the one shown here, then it's almost guaranteed that your logo designer has done exactly this - and that many other businesses out there are using the same logo as you - one you cannot ever copyright or trademark. Even if they designed it in something like Canva, you can never own that logo or imagery - which is where we're different.

Logo design and brand design in Carlisle, Cumbria and the UK
Graphic Design Agency in Carlisle, Cumbria
Logo Designer in Carlisle, Cumbria

Brand design that is
tailored to you and your ideal client

There's a lot that goes into logo and brand design. We spend time with you understanding your business, your market, and your ideal client, and your own thoughts on how you want your business to be perceived by anyone viewing your logo and branding.

From there, we create 1-3 initial design concepts and work with you on one of these to go forward into the final design.

Depending on what you have asked for, you'll either get the final logo files in digital format, covering every type you need for web, digital, and print, or you'll get all of this plus your brand guidelines which include details of ideal fonts to choose, and other logo elements such as sub-marks, icons, and patterns.

Work with the team with the expertise to deliver

We work with several of Carlisle's and the UK's best graphic and brand designers to ensure you get the professional and original logo and branding materials that your business needs to have a consistent and recognisable presence whether online, in print, or on your vehicles.

Your branding is a crucial part of your business, so getting it right with a powerful brand strategy and visual identity gives you something to be proud of and a result that can stand the test of time.

Combining your new brand and logo with our web design services ensures a constent and holistic aproach to your entire visuals, all through bespoke design, content, and our 5-step SHINE Method - focused on lifting your business away from the competition, so you can be seen for the individual business that you are.

Brand Design in Carlisle, Cumbria
Bespoke Brand Design in the UK
Brand Design Package
Conversion Focused Web Design in the UK
Bespoke Logo Design in the UK
Bespoke Website Design in the UK
UK Website Design Agency

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About Us

Light Bulb Web Design in Carlisle provides high-quality, bespoke web design, SEO, digital marketing, copywriting, and consultation in the UK to ensure your online presence is a seamless extension of your business, with honest and transparent customer service.

T: 07880 858381
E: chris@lightbulbwebdesign.co.uk