
Web Design Blog

Light Bulb Web Design Blog

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Your website is there for your ideal clients and customers.

If it isn't 100% clear to them what you do and what you can help them with, they'll go elsewhere.

One of our recent projects to go live was for a client who has been with us through 3 redesigns of their website, each time coming back to us as their business has grown and developed to a point where things needed updated.

Whilst Dr Hannah Gibson doesn't like to shout about how good she is when it comes to creating content that brings clarity, that is written 100% for your target audience - that is focused on converting website visitors into customers - I am good at shouting.

When visitors land on the home page of Check My Legal Fees (, they read this:

Solicitors are overcharging their customers
You could be entitled to a refund or reduction

The call to action is simple: 'Check My Legal Fees' - where they are directed to a breakdown of the distinct types of fees they can get support with.

No messing around - no jargon or waffle.

Our SHINE method brings clarity to both website content and design.

Clarity in delivering what your business needs.

Also without jargon or waffle.

Bespoke design, amazing results.

When you're ready to remove the confusion from your website, and make sure you stand out from the mess of competition, drop me an emai, let's talk :)

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Light Bulb Web Design provides high-quality, bespoke web design, SEO, digital marketing, copywriting, and consultation in the UK to ensure your online presence is a seamless extension of your business, with honest and transparent customer service.

T: 07880 858381