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Light Bulb Web Design Blog

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Our article in the official Joomla Magazine

Joomla Web Design Case Study

It was great to be invited to author an article for the official Joomla Magazine news website, detailing one of our recent website design projects for The Diversity Partnership.

The invitation came in because they wanted to showcase that Joomla can create beautiful websites, and I believe the one they asked me to write about, and all our Case Studies, demonstrates that it doesn't matter what website platform you use, so long as you know how to make the most of it yourself and for clients :)

Read the article here:

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Light Bulb Web Design provides high-quality, bespoke web design, SEO, digital marketing, copywriting, and consultation in the UK to ensure your online presence is a seamless extension of your business, with honest and transparent customer service.

T: 07880 858381