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Spotlight on...Kathie Fursse from T5 for life

Spotlight on...Kathie Fursse from T5 for life

Kathie was one of our first e-commerce clients and was looking for an easy to use website selling her weight loss products.

Since launch, has amassed over 200 orders, and the number continues to grow weekly.  Kathie sent us the feedback below this week and I wanted to share it with my website visitors to show how effective and beneficial our website design services are to small businesses:

"Chris came highly recommended to build my business a website to be able to direct potential customers too. Not being a tech person I put all my faith & trust in Chris to create a masterpiece and he did just that.

All the hardwork that Chris put in has given me something professional to direct my customers too and my business has rapidly grown and continues to on a daily basis. I continue to work with Chris on making adjustments to the site to enable my business grow and also the income with it.

Chris I can't thank you enough & I look forward to working with you for a long time."

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Light Bulb Web Design provides high-quality, bespoke web design, SEO, digital marketing, copywriting, and consultation in the UK to ensure your online presence is a seamless extension of your business, with honest and transparent customer service.

T: 07880 858381