
Web Design Blog

Light Bulb Web Design Blog

Do you know what you're getting?

​We try to make our blog informational and educational - our posts are here to help you understand what's involved with web design, and what you should be getting when you pay someone to design a webs...

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Are you getting what you paid for?

​One of our choices as a web design company was to try and provide clear information and detail about what we do for you within any website we create. We do this by using our blog to post in...

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Spotlight on - Kassi Martin

Kas got in touch a few years ago looking to hand over management of her website to 'someone else' - a daunting proposal for someone who was so used to doing things on her own :)Her new website needed ...

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What is a domain name and why do I need to keep paying for it?

​We had some questions from a client recently who was asking about domain name ownership and why there was a need to keep paying for it every year.  We've had similar questions a few ti...

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What actually is a website page?

​If you look at our website design prices, and often those of many other web design companies, they talk about how many pages each price allows for. But often we are asked "What do you mean by a websi...

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Mobile friendly...or is it?

​Responsive website friendly website design...a couple of terms we and many others throw around and perhaps expect people to know what they mean. Many years ago, before mobile phones a...

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HTTPS websites become even more critical

A little while ago, we wrote about how Google Chrome, one of the world's most popular web browsers, was going to start flagging non-HTTPS served web pages as 'Insecure'. HTTPS uses an encrypted connec...

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  3214 Hits

All Inclusive - and no, we're not talking about holidays!

​Is that a click-bait title?  No idea, however what we do know is that our website design prices and services include a significant amount of features and benefits that are often missed out or ch...

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Another year and counting!

April 2018 sees the start of the 5th year for Light Bulb Web Design in Carlisle!  Hitting the ground running, our first news of the year was becoming a Limited Company, paving the way for another...

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About Us

Light Bulb Web Design provides high-quality, bespoke web design, SEO, digital marketing, copywriting, and consultation in the UK to ensure your online presence is a seamless extension of your business, with honest and transparent customer service.

T: 07880 858381